
How to Maximize Your 5-Year Work Permit


    According to updates from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), asylum seekers applying for work permission, withholding of removal, or adjustment of status under INA 245, will receive work permits valid for up to 5 years.

    This change could help many asylum seekers hoping to build a new life in the United States become financially secure. There are many ways you can make the most of this new opportunity and set yourself up for future success. Once you’ve been granted a 5-year work permit, you can take advantage of the actionable strategies below to maximize your extended credentials.

    Four Tips to Maximize Your 5-Year Work Permit

    It's important to understand that a work permit is not just a ticket to work—it's an opportunity to secure your future and achieve many of your goals.

    Here are many ways you can leverage your work permit to its maximum potential:

    • Strategize Your Job Search: Having a work permit gives you the legal authorization to work in the United States, but remember, not all jobs are equal in terms of compensation, benefits, and growth prospects. Focus on jobs that align with your skills and interests, offer competitive pay, and provide benefits. Avoid getting stuck in a job with limited growth opportunities; instead, aim for roles that contribute to your long-term career objectives.
    • Establish and Grow Your Credit Score: Your credit score plays a critical role in many facets of American life, including securing housing, obtaining loans, and even finding a job. Leverage your work permit to build a solid credit history. Start by opening a bank account, applying for a credit card, and ensuring timely payments. A strong credit score can pave the way to more opportunities and financial stability.
    • Invest in Skill Development: Your work permit also serves as a passport to explore diverse career paths and acquire new skills. Capitalize on this by enrolling in relevant courses, attending industry workshops, and networking with professionals in your field. The more skills and knowledge you gain, the higher your market value to potential employers.
    • Future-Proof Your Plans: While your work permit is valid for five years, starting planning for the future early is prudent. Consider your long-term goals, such as home ownership, entrepreneurship, or further education. Develop a budget, start saving, and consider investments that align with your future aspirations. Early planning gives you greater control over your life trajectory.

    The Importance of Consulting an Immigration Attorney

    As an asylum seeker, you may encounter unique legal challenges and uncertainties. When it comes to navigating the intricacies of immigration law, you need an ally who not only understands the legalities but also genuinely cares about your future. It's advisable to consult with a knowledgeable immigration attorney who can guide you through the intricacies of the legal system, help you understand your rights and obligations, and provide you with peace of mind.

    A 5-year work permit is a powerful tool that can help you realize your dreams. By implementing the right strategies, you can optimize this opportunity, build a prosperous future, and establish a fulfilling life in the United States.

    The Law Office of Hari Heerekar is dedicated to helping asylum seekers reach their goals, and we want to be your trusted partner. You can trust our firm because we are:

    • Experienced: Our firm focuses solely on immigration law, which means our team is up-to-date on legal changes, government requirements and processes. We have a proven track record of successfully helping asylum seekers maximize their work permits and achieve their long-term goals.
    • Empathetic: We understand the challenges and uncertainties you face as an asylum seeker, and we're committed to providing compassionate, personalized service to ease your journey.
    • Ethical: We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our interactions, providing transparency, respect, and integrity.

    Don't hesitate to contact our team today for legal advice or assistance with your asylum case. Our experienced team is committed to helping asylum seekers navigate the complex immigration system to reach their desired goals. Choosing the Law Office of Hari Heerekar means choosing a team dedicated to your success. Call today at 213-413-0200 and let us help you turn your American dream into reality.

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